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Vascular Neurology Fellowship at Hauenstein Neurosciences

Trinity Health Grand Rapids, Medical Education offers a 1-year ACGME accredited vascular neurology fellowship. This fellowship places an emphasis on producing excellent clinically-orientated faculty.

Fellows will manage a plethora of diverse vascular patients including ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage and aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. The vascular neurology fellow will interact directly with 2 vascular-trained staff neurologists and a variety of subspecialists, including neurointensivists, ER providers, interventional neuroradiology and vascular neurosurgery. By fostering a solid foundation in core principles of vascular neurology, the vascular neurology fellow will transition from direct supervision to autonomy of managing complex vascular cases.

Our program allows flexibility both in clinical and research experience in order to mold to the fellow’s future career goals. With the completion of the 1 year fellowship, the candidate will be eligible and expected to sit for the ACGME vascular neurology boards. Candidates will also have the option to obtain certification in transcranial doppler and carotid ultrasound.

Our Program AIMs

  • To produce well-rounded, clinically outstanding vascular neurology faculty with unique skill sets including: the ability to run a stroke unit, managing critical vascular neurology patients in an ICU setting, functioning as a neurohospitalist, leading acute stroke codes in an ER setting and running an outpatient tertiary stroke clinic. 
  • Engaging in scholarly activities such as regular journal clubs, formal didactics stroke lecture series and one-on-one faculty teaching to solidify a comprehensive knowledge of the principles of vascular neurology. 
  • Exposing the fellow to multiple ongoing NIH Stroke Net research trials with the expectation to participate in patient selection and enrollment, thus allowing for a future role as a primary investigator. 
  • Encouraging the fellow to develop their own research project through the hospital’s IRB with the support of vascular neurology staff physicians, the stroke research nurse and statisticians. 
  • With the use of telecommunication and robot-assisted devices becoming proficient in telestroke medicine. The stroke fellow will have the ability to help establish and develop a telestroke program with surrounding Trinity Health Michigan partnering hospitals. 
  • Direct exposure to an outpatient vascular neurology clinic which acts as a tertiary referral center accepting the most complex vascular cases in West Michigan.
Vascular Neurology

Ready to apply?

All applications are accepted through ERAS. Please see the Applicants section of your preferred program for additional details.

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